The war with Mexico in 1846 is not prominent in our current appreciation of American history. This is remarkable due to it's tremendous impact on our nation: the resulting Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo annexed Texas, California and New Mexico. In addition to this tremendous addition of acreage, political divisions deepened during the war and precipitated the Civil War. So, it's safe to say that this part of our history deserves some research and understanding.

The opening hostilities were the most interesting to me. As I have looked into the origins of American wars, I have become alarmed at how often the President has misled the public into aggressive action. The Gulf of Tonkin and the Iraq War being the two most blatant abuses. The Mexican-American War is often included in that discussion. The pressing question seems to be whether American troops were attacked on American soil. This was the claim of President Polk and, if true, could have justified the sacrifice required by war.
The answer is not clear-cut, but Eisenhower was clear in his opinion. He writes that "the kindest thing that can be said about Polk's message is that he probably believed it himself." What happened is....
Texas declared it's independence. It was offered two choices: The Mexican government agreed to recognize it's independence if it did not join the United States, and the United States offered to annex it as a state. Texas chose to become a state and Polk sent General Taylor down to defend Texas from an attack. Soon after, Mexican infantry attacked a small platoon of American soldiers. This much is agreed upon. The tricky part is Taylor set up camp at the Rio Grande when the Nueces River was the internationally recognized border of Texas. The competing claim of Rio Grande as the border was based on a treaty with the Mexican president that was signed while he was in captivity. Further, that treaty was never ratified by the Mexican congress. With this evidence, it is sadly evident that the Mexican-American war is another conflict that started with a President's misleading words.